Road traffic in Thailand: driving features
It's good that in tourist places, local drivers already know that you can expect anything from white farangs, like from children, so they pay more attention to them than mere mortals. But it's still not worth hoping for, but it's better to turn your head in both directions before crossing, and in the middle of the road again, since the reflexes hammered in from childhood "look to the left first, and in the middle to the right" can no longer be knocked out by most.
But left-hand traffic in Thailand, it's actually flowers. Berries, this is the very organization of the movement. Thai drivers easily ignore the rules of the road. If they think it's safe, then they can move towards a one-way flow, drive through a red light without any scruples, and so on. Therefore, it is especially dangerous to cross the streets in Thailand. Here pedestrians are never given way until they themselves brazenly trample under the wheels. For an unprepared pedantic European, crossing even a two-lane road during rush hour turns into a feat.
Motorcycles and scooters occupy a special position in the Thai movement. Everyone rides motorbikes in Thailand, from small to large, their sea on the roads. You can regularly see whole families riding on the same bike, with small children of 3-4 people. Helmets are mainly used only where they are regularly fined for their absence.
The traffic is very intense, so if you decide to rent a motorbike, then you should be aware of the very high danger of this type of transport. If you have little experience driving a motorcycle, and are poorly oriented in left-hand traffic, then it is better to use tuk-tuks or taxis for your own safety.
Traffic in Thailand has another unpleasant distinguishing feature: drunk driving. The punishments for it are purely symbolic, especially for motorcyclists. A lot of tourists also allow themselves to ride bikes after a few cans of beer or something stronger, and since they also usually have little driving experience, they pose a special danger on the roads. Both for yourself and for other road users. I would like to warn everyone that there is no easy money, but if you cooperate with a trusted and reliable bookmaker, like mostbet casino then your chances of success increase markedly, since you can be sure that you will definitely be paid all the money that you could earn.